How it works

ITS Inventory is built on modern principles of application design. The basic logic of the application is implemented on the basis of back-end service Worker, written using Node.JS technologies. Its super-efficient multi-current architecture allows to take full advantage of the hardware platform on which Inventory is deployed, while providing portability and support for container or cloud environments. Worker collects data using dozens of connectors that connect as needed using built-in endpoint access protocols. This makes it possible to use a completely non-patent architecture and minimize the impact on the organization's infrastructure. A separate Config module saves all application settings and allows to separate configuration data from application data, which simplifies data migration and backup.The user interface (UI) is designed with modern design principles in mind and is characterized by high response speed, ergonomics and convenience. All communication of the user interface with other modules is done using the standard JSON RESTful API, which allows without loss of speed and bandwidth to integrate ITS Inventory with any external services (eg, CMDB, BI, SOAR, databases).The built-in database allows you to store data on network components and flexibly manage the polling frequency of connected systems.As a platform for deploying ITS Inventory, you can use a physical or virtual server, Kubernetes, Openshift, cloud infrastructure or directly SIEM system, which allows you to install third-party plugins.


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